This is a subjectwe take very seriously, environmental protectionis an area where we pride ourselves in not only complying but being proactive.
Since 1984, our first plantwasequipped with purificationsystem to cut down atmost air emissions.
Today, in ourplants, thereis a steady daily monitoring of everytool to protect our employees and environment, and we regularly schedule their updating for any disposal.
GQ commitment in recycling takes place for every material and each of it is registered and entrusted with authorized companies for their disposal.
Last but not least we would like to get “BIO”, wherever possible, in anything we need for printing: colours, rawmaterials (certified FSC) and even our cleaning products.


GQ desires to continue the original family project in caring and supporting the environment: we have planned to reclaim the remaining east side of our property (top of the hill) with greenery and trees, while investing in renewable energies such as wind and solar in order to help minimizing the atmospheric impact of our process as much as possible.